Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Highs of Horizons.

I find nothing more fascinating, or exhilarating than the sight of wide open horizons. I say horizons, because it changes every minute in the twists and turns of the drive. The horizons that encircle you, or almost, are the ones that keep my focus darting around, so as to not miss a thing. 

In the winter, when days are short, a long distance drive, can easily last into the sunset and beyond. Further more, there’s often no sunsets,  because, and especially in UK and Europe, it’s frequently overcast and raining. 

In the approaching darkness of dusk, a horizon adds a whole new dimension. You can see the ‘glow’ of a town or a city, and feel the anticipation of your approach. On ships, it’s this glow is the first sign of nearing port, and the sailors get excited by the prospect of going offshore. 

Today, while driving up north, I saw a glow to the east, very bright, and almost like a sunrise. However, it was getting darker and I knew better. It was probably the light pollution from the lights of an area a which is playing host to either a game or perhaps a concert. 

Very thankful and feel deep gratitude, to have the ability to appreciate these vagaries of Nature. Grateful life brings these opportunities my way. Nothing more dynamic than nature. This coitus of sky and earth, of sea and sky, of mountains and clouds, all produces all the different glories and Nature’s bounties that are created as gifts to humans, born of the perfect synchrony when Nature procreates. 

What riches are these, what an abundance of spoils that are ours for the asking, or just taking, free. The sights, the shapes. The bonsai olive tree that I saw today in a huge pot, just sitting idly outside a chippy shop. 

Well, I’m going to stop as I don’t want to miss the midnight deadline. Grateful also for awesome tapas style Indian dinner. It was delicious. What better note than a happy belly, to call it a day and say goodnight!

Veenu Bangs

December 11, 2021

11:58 pm. 

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