Sunday, December 26, 2021

Boxing Day bounties

 Not all bounties come in boxes. Some can only be experienced with an open heart, eyes filled with wonderment, and heart easily ready to embrace joy. Well, how about the feeling that one is walking into a changing post card every few minutes. 

Yes, my gift did not come in a box. A gift as marvelous as this never could. Thank you God for the bounty of this beauty that I had the good fortune to experience these past two weeks. For this, I am grateful.

The birds were here again today. While the snow had melted after the sunny day yesterday, they were still looking my way expectantly. Since a few of them were pecking away in the ground, I thought I’d let them feed on their god-intentioned nutrition. I wasn’t sure if there was enough to go around for all of them. After some time. I gave in and put out some oatmeal for them. It was terribly windy and the oat meal blew away, leaving a scattered windswept work of art on the concrete edging around the house outside. 

Again, they flew away when I did that, almost as if chiding me for the delay, as in too little too late, and we’re no longer interested. So I went about my business, only to check in about 10 minutes later, and almost all of it was gone, and the remaining oatmeal was being vigorously consumed one piece at a time, pointy beaks tapping away with the mechanical finesse of hurried fingers at typewriter keys. 

Tomorrow we shall say good bye to them, adieu I hope it is, and that may the divine bestow upon me this gift again in the summertime. I had never imagined that I would be this close to the top of the world. Indeed, now I know what explorers must experience when they’re further up north and describe the terrain pristine. I’ve never seen such clarity in the air, there’s a fineness of lines in the landscape, far out into the distance. It is as if one has suddenly been given clearly perfect eyesight capable of seeing far distances, distinctly magnified. 

Grateful for this wonderful gift that I did not even have to unbox. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy. One sunrise at a time, one set everyday. The promise that the clouds and the sky will deliver new scenery my way, constantly changing, forever, magical. What more could one have been given, without even asking. I must have been good all year!

Veenu Banga


(Boxing Day)

11:37 pm.

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