Friday, December 10, 2021

Grateful for a nice sunny day on 12/10/2021

Today I am grateful that the work week decided to end on a sunny note. It was a glorious sunny day, and despite a on again, off again wind, one could still enjoy a walk. I’m grateful for thermal wear that makes life easier on colder days.

Today, I’m also grateful that I went downtown, and we saw the Christmas lights everywhere. 

Still enjoying the goodies from India. Grateful for that. 

Very grateful for the long chat I had with Susan who is such a blessing in my life. Very grateful for Susan, she’s my sunshine who I can count on everyday of the week. May God bless her and all her family who she loves so dearly. Thank you God for Susan.

Grateful for BBC programming. They have a healthy amount of programming on India. Grateful I can be grateful. 

Grateful for the clear skies tonight, the moon is exactly a half full and the stars were clearly visible in the shy. They can even be seen in photographs. Grateful I’ve still got this going every day. 

It’s edging close to midnight and I don’t want my blog post carriage to turn into a pumpkin! So on that note, I hope everyone has lots to be grateful for.

Veenu Banga
December 10, 2021
11:56 pm.

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