Saturday, January 7, 2023

My mother’s centenary

She would have been 100 today. My dear precious,  beloved Mother. 

What can we give to our parents, who gave us life? It’s a futile attempt. We pine for them for our sakes not theirs. My mother, her mother and her father before her, her father, and his father and mother before him, their siblings, their grandparents and great grandparents, and the whole lineage before them, how far back do we go? 

In my mothers face, and in me from all that I was given by my ancestors, they rest. To nurture my soul, for we all but soul connections, is to nurture my lineage. When words don’t come to the rescue, just a humble gratitude, a wish and a prayer, may I again be my mother’s daughter. 

Happy 100th Birthday dearest Mummy! 

Are we not all connected? My first post of the year, celebrating my mother, and the ancestors before her. 

January 8th. 2023. 
