Thursday, January 20, 2022

Muses and musings

Oh, muses and their excuses, and muses and their uses. We’re always making too much of the muses. I wonder if the muse realizes, that it’s not really about them. Not always, not all the way. 

The creatively inspired are a generous species. They give of themselves to the process more than they to the muse. They can get so enamored in their process of expression, that it’s no longer then about the muse. It’s very essential in the creative process. To lose oneself, and disappear in the creation, creating by growing out from inside it. 

It’s not about whether one’s creation is good or bad- that’s the perception in the eyes of the beholder. The creative types more likely forget this fact. They can be happy only, only when they create/ write/ paint for themselves, not for an audience. That’s the thing to remember. 

Singers, songwriters, musicians, poets and artists are all  creatures of expression, which is a very personal experience. It’s their perception of the muse that manifests their creative expression, not necessarily the reality of the muse. They express what they feel. Sometimes, the pen takes over, most times actually, the words pour themselves out. As if they had been in there incubating all along, and destined to be expressed. 

Similarly, when we do not write, or do not create that which is yearning, and hankering to be given form, we abort and thus kill our untold stories. A certain sadness is almost a pre requisite and aids the creative process. However, if left unattended, sadness can quickly decompose and become toxic depression, causing neglect of when self care. In that sadness, out of that pain, we must seek joy. Finding joy in life is far more productive, than surrendering to grief. 

Muses abound everywhere. We don’t always write about beautiful things. Muses can also inspire introspection. I think that’s what happened to me two nights ago, as I watched Safari videos. This time it was not all pleasant. Rather it was most distressing. 

I wondered if in a previous life, I had been a predator? An animal perhaps like a hyena or a lion, or a hawk? Why else would I be pained watching these kinds of videos. 

It is so much more than killing life. What we cannot give, we have no right to take away. By cutting short a life, we take away potential, by depriving them of their growing years. We steal their experiences, their time on this earth. We deprive the souls of all the relationships they would have forged. We deprive them of their eternity, that their offspring may have produced. So in this life, if we are suffering, it’s good to remember, that we may be discharging our karmic debts. 

It’s far too complicated and there are many schools of thought. However, if we take into account the science, and that every action has a reaction, or what does up, must come down, it will be easier to bear our suffering. That is why, Sikh prayers always include the reciter to pray for the welfare of all.

On this good thought, I will call it a night. Thank you God for another day! 

Veenu Banga

21st January 2022 (night of 20th January)

2:34 am

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