Saturday, January 1, 2022

A new day, a new year.

 While the world made a lot of noise, the earth quietly spun on its axis, and ushered in a new year, in human years. A new day, every day, all in a day’s work. Nature worked its magic and everything it controls changed. Humans, we were just the same, as always. Same old, same old good, bad and ugly, bright, beautiful, kind, wise, foolish, in love, out of love, and never learning the real meaning of what it means to be on this earth, that we are on a journey, and the earth, the moon, and the stars and the life giving Sun are the masters and they’re in control. Not us. 

I look back today on the year that has gone by, because today I am the sum of days past. The whole unfolded to divine design, the tides ebbed and flowed, the birds sang, the trees did their thing, the sun rose to a new day, somewhere a bud opened, petal by petal and become a flower, and I think I came of age. Time will tell. As the days unfold I will know whether lessons were really learned. 

While I have made no real resolutions for the new year, I have tried to be mindful and sensitive to everything around me today. Mindfulness in thought, word and deed. Mindfulness, even as I ate. 

I would like to pat myself on the back for writing almost every day in December, as planned. Expressing gratitude made it easy. Like having one other good thing to love for, live well. However, on the writing front, still leaves much to be desired. The short stories that have been incubating inside me are going to wither if I don’t act soon. My daily needs are not many, the distractions are. They are saboteurs and seducers, and do their thing without chocolate. Not everyone needs chocolates or flowers to be wooed. The sky will do it for me. 

This year I’m richer, having been gifted the wealth of the two nuns who came into my life and decorated it with their wisdoms that just seemed to penetrate my core. I come into the new year, with that wealth of having found myself, and discovering my reserves were well and in tact. That’s a wonderful thing to be thankful for! 


01/01/ 2022

12:00 am

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