Thursday, September 29, 2022

There should be a law..

 That every single day of our lives, we have stop whatever we are doing to watch the sunset. 

Saw another spectacular sunset, driving to Costco, about 30 minutes away in Coventry. Most of the time, it was on country roads, and not just the sunset across the open fields, and the odd village, but on the east of the horizon was a beautiful double rainbow. So beautiful, just so, so very beautiful. Open sky, shades of blue and the clouds, lined with liquid gold, as if it was a piece of stained glass and the gold edges were holding the clouds together. 

Normally I like the freedom of a watercolor effect, because the watercolors tend to bleed a little, asserting their freedom, breaking through boundaries- they are not constrained, like oils or acrylic, which btw was my mum’s medium of choice. Today, the sky was structured, though wisps of cloud still strayed away. 

So yes, about the law, it must be considered by any sane society, to encourage its citizens to feel good by being in nature. After all, we count our lives in days, everything is made up of days, like weeks, months and years, so what a shame if we’ve lived life, and to not see the day come to a close? 

The clock has just gone past midnight, so technically, while I started this on Thursday, it’s going to be published on the blog on Friday. 

I should know better. Maybe this is one more alarm I will set on my phone, to remind me to stop whatever I’m doing, and come time for sunset, I will head our, stand by the door, or better still go out to the hill in the park overlooking the Tesco’s, and admire the sky and the sunset. 

Veenu Banga


12:13 am.

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