Saturday, September 3, 2022

Oranges and Lemons

 I don’t know if it’s a good thing, or not so good, that we get our fruits from across the oceans, wherever we are, or wherever we go. With that said, I think I’ve become quite seasoned and can pick good tasting fruits by knowing their country of origin. 

Oranges, they’re best if they’re from Morocco, Spain and South Africa, in this order. Rarely does the produce of Peru rise to the taste of these places. I always imagine the heat of the sun and the sands of adjoining deserts of countries like Morocco that contributes to the ripening of the fruits. However, how far from the time of harvest must the produce be, if it’s coming from such distances. 

One hopes that the exports of these countries benefit the growers, as farmers in any country are not as well rewarded for their efforts and services, as they should be. 

What is frustrating, is that in places like Florida, which has historically been known for its citrus, lemon trees are discouraged and I can’t recall when I last purchased locally grown lemons in Florida. 

Some farmers markets where farmers with small holdings are present, it’s often possible to find locally grown produce, especially berries. For mangoes, and other tropical, it’s South Florida. Merritt island has a few mango orchards, and they’re locally available. Locally grown Oranges however, are hard to come by. Which reminds me, this week we got nice South African easy peeler oranges from Waitrose, they’re super sweet. 

I think I will have one now!

Veenu Banga

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