Friday, September 9, 2022

Magic in the sky tonight!

 Since it’s past midnight, I can’t say today, or yesterday and be speaking factually. So, Thursday night, we were headed out and there’s a very brightly twinkling light in the sky. I think it’s a plane, but it doesn’t move. So out comes my trusty Sky Guide, and it’s Jupiter! To its right is a bright big moon, growing boldly towards fullness. 

Saw them again, and on the highway or in the city, these two seem to be the only Inhabitants of the vast expanse of sky. The city lights fade out the stars. Then we went out in the fields, where there’s nary a light to be seen, and Jupiter and the Moon, are flanked by several twinkling stars. 

Magical night sky, the stuff that makes you happy to be alive. Another day, another magic, always a different display. Bring on the magic show, Mother Nature, blessed to stand witness! Thank you. 

Veenu Banga

September 10, 2022

12:53 am.

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