Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Gifts we can give to ourselves

For the past several weeks, the Evening star, Venus has been shining very brightly in the western sky. It has shifted positions slightly, but the intensity of its brightness has not diminished, instead it's grown, and the star looks bigger and brighter.

Today, for some reason I couldn't find it, even as many, many other less shinier stars were everywhere. I guess it's new position, from where I stand, is behind some trees? Anyway, going out into the night I did see the full moon, and gazed at it, delighting and celebrating it brightness. It also reminded me that in all fairness, it was uniting me with rest of humanity as it shone brightly all across the skies, and over the rest of the world! We were all compartmentalized by this powerful force, irrespective of gender, creed, color, size of house or political affiliation, as one species on this planet, impacted by the very moon, no matter where are. Even the oceans dance to its orchestration. The moon controls the tides of our times.

Had my mother been alive today, she would have called to wish me, on this Buddha Purnima, my Lunar birthday, which was today, 7th May, this year. She always celebrated my birthday by doing some charitable deeds, mainly feeding the poor and giving of alms. My day was interesting, having tumbled over from midnight, as I sat awake, in those very early hours, reading, well past my bedtime.

For a while now, I had been getting this one phrase in my mind, and from that a thought. Suddenly, this picture comes into my head, along with this one sentence, which I thought had a special sweetness to it. All I wanted to do was just write that down, because later I can forget easily, as the unfolding days of our lives engulf us in the demands of what we call living. That's when the magic happened.

The words just poured out and they painted a whole scenario of events, and I was witness to it. The story unfolded faster than I could write. I remember walking up to see pen in hand poised to write, and my eyes groggy head nodding half in obedience and half in defiance. It was finally in the last paragraph when the new title of the story revealed itself, First Words. The time was 3:15 am. I was very pleased that I persevered and completed the short story in the first sitting. That was a Gift to myself, on this, my Lunar birthday.

Hopefully, it will be unveiled tomorrow.

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