Saturday, December 14, 2024

Out and About and Roundabouts

 What a day! In how I felt, from morning to noon, to evening and night. 

Started off well enough, Being a Saturday we went to the Markets. Picked up extra bread from the bakery, as always our first stop, since they run out of Granary and the Sourdough. Since we were pretty early, the line out the door was also shorter and they were well stocked. Asked the lady if I could bring back our sourdough for her, if she would like to try it. She was pleased and smiled, "If you like," "Sure'" I replied. 

Then around the corner to the markets, and I went to the card shop, while A went to the super large (for the size of our town) Produce stall. And yes, upon being asked, they were told I had gone to the card shop. It's nice that I'm missed and the green grocers ask for me if they don't see me. I miss them too. They have the freshest produce- fruits and veggies and frequently herbs. That is my favorite part of our Saturday mornings. 

There were trucks- setting up shops for the Christmas markets. It seems they had a lantern parade and other activities planned mostly between 9:00 to 4:30 pm? However, our day was cut out with last minute to do    items we were committed to, and couldn't go. 

On the way to the Town Center, at one of the roundabouts, the car next to ours was out of her lane, and precariously close to us. It brought to mind my own roundabout adventure about 12 years ago. 

But before that, how I ended up driving in Brussels and adjoining countries is a story of guile, and (annoyance on my part) that now makes me smile. I had flown in that morning and was told I had to keep awake, for my circadian rhythm to adjust to the local time. 

After lunch, the three of us headed down to the car, to go somewhere far away, as in a fair distance, perhaps a 30 minute drive away? Anyway, A thrust the keys in my hand, and got into the passenger seat. They drive on the right there too. "What is this?" I asked incredulously. "The keys, you're driving, hurry up, we're getting late." 

"I'm not driving," I was rightfully very upset. 

"Well, what do you want me to do?" was the reply. And two good excuses which I will not elaborate on and I was driving. My first BMW, which by the way is the nicest car I've driven. So that was that, straight into the deep end, and the first of my many car journeys. 

The roundabout story is also quite funny on hindsight, but was then quite infuriating. It happened when I was alone in the car, and had to navigate one of Brussels' most difficult roundabouts. It has 5 lanes. I kid you not. Being used to roundabouts in Sydney, (though not 5 lanes!!) I entered it with an easy confidence. However, the notorious Belgian drivers definitely have no patience, and an abundance of aggression. I missed my exit the first time, despite indicating, but No, no one wanted me to merge in the next lane, let alone exit. Second round, third round and my speed slowed and my exasperation increased. I have no idea how I finally made it out of the round, round, Round -a bout! But I eventually did. Possibly in the third attempt, but a little drama makes for good rumination and reading. 

By afternoon, we were busy, and I was also getting a little antsy, for no apparent reason. That turned to restlessness, which turned to sadness and I wanted to cry. Did not, maybe did, only a little, very little. Then off we we went for our errands. I slept in the car, all the way, and was surprised we arrived so quickly, after a 25-30 minute drive. I think to see the trees look so desolate makes me sad. If only I could even just see the budding at the tips, I could take comfort in knowing that the leaves will soon cover the branches. 

By the time we got home, I was fine. Then, after dinner, I listened to Master Lin, and that cheered me up. I remembered the first time I met him was on a retreat in Amsterdam, or Volendam to be precise, for a Soul Purpose workshop. On the third day we concluded that the purpose of our souls is to be happy. When I remember that, I feel comforted. I wish, I could never forget that, and always remember, that my life's purpose should be or IS, to BE Happy. The other thing to remember is that I keep good company if I want to live a life of excellence. Which I do, and which I keep reminding myself. I'm proud to now be discerning, and realize it's not unkind or ignoble to suffer the riff-raff, who have no interest in honest friendships/ relationships. Even on You Tube, especially on You Tube, I need to keep good company.

Wide open parking spaces in the US, large carparks, have caused me to forget parallel parking and I take my time to swing back into reverse parking. John, who taught me how to parallel park in Sydney (compulsory to pass the driving test otherwise no drivers license!) made it so easy. I could do it in the first shot. 

Now, I am not even willing to try. Haven't been driving here, easy to say I've done too much already, plus it's on the other side of the road, and three and four lanes of the roundabouts are most discouraging. 

As they say, never say never, so who knows, maybe I will get behind the wheel in the good old Country!

Veenu Banga


12:45 am.

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