Thursday, December 12, 2024

A little anxiety


This morning as we drove for my appointment in Bilton, I resolved to write my blog earlier in the day. Made a mental note and started, had the title and now, it's all gone as the day drew me into its demands. Doesn't help with the weather, which makes one hungry. Plus the kettle calls and I enjoy my tea. 

So there goes the day. Though to be honest, I did slack off and went down the You Tube rabbit hole. The music list was nice, but trying to find something else for  some intellectual stimulation was a total bust and waste of time. I know I should have been writing, finishing up pending work, completing what is crying out for attention. I think the subconscious mind knows. Three more sleeps and lots to do.

And yes, the anxiety is valid. I suppose one can help by going to bed at a decent hour, grateful for the inviting warmth of my bedroom. So keeping it short, with a promise to do better tomorrow, and no You Tube. I was better off breaking up with it. 

Oh, yes, I saw two green Eddie Stobart trucks yesterday, and one white one. They're changing attire. It was nice and remembering my old excitement made me smile. 

To the morning, cheers and may it be a wonderful day!

Veenu Banga


10:49 pm. 

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