Sunday, January 9, 2022

It finally happened!

I Relented! Today. 

Not intentionally, may I add in my defense. It just so happened, and I cannot exactly remember how, that I decided to go back and read all of my Gratitude blogs that I had started in December. Because I think this Gratitude stuff has genuinely helped me, it really works! 

It was on this post:

I saw this link: and accidentally clicked on it. That was it! It was absolutely adorable! 

I enjoyed it so much. With their slightly imperfect Hindi diction, these everyday people made it even more charming because they bring an informal intimacy of sorts to the songs as if they're singing for each other. Just the non-commercial aspect of it. And they are all good singers, especially the ladies. Plus, with OP Nayyar, his music makes magic. It’s a celebration. What’s not to celebrate about life?

My soul starts skipping ahead like a little girl to this serenade that follows along behind me. 

I suspected these IT Professional troupe to be in Hyderabad since the Andhraites are far more inclusive than the Tamilians. The latter rightly so have to have the stiff upper lip, being the keepers of the Faith, with much of our most important scriptures, including Tirumantiram, written in Tamil. 

On my first trip to Madras, I also remember graffiti-like, reading this on a wall- This is India, not Hindia. Of course, those were different times. Maybe the girls in this group are Tamilians? None of them seem amateurs. 

Then, of course, I had to listen to the second link in the post.  Our friend, the violin player, and Khalid Baig singing 'Deewana Hua Badal.' What just occurred to me is the word BADAL, clouds! Is my love affair with them much older than I imagined? 

Midnight is about to strike again; otherwise, I could have written on and on. I can't break my everyday steak, so here goes. I'm not complaining that it happened inadvertently, and I got to smile,  wonderfully wrapped around a 'Deewana ' cloud, as he serenades the 'sawan ki ghata' and witnesses 'Pyaar' ki 'angradee'.. 

Grateful for happily enjoying some music again! 

Veenu Banga


12:04 am. 

1 comment:

Vijay said...

Awesome. Glad you reconnected back with your music. It always uplifts you. Wishing you awesome pleasant music in your life and keep you uplifted.