Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dhunuchi Dancers

There are videos of Dhunuchi dancers on You Tube. Men and women both do this hypnotic dance. 

This poem was written two years ago, and then edited in February, 2023. It was a bit longer, and also more intense. I think this version says what I’m ready to share for now!

Dhunuchi dancer

Dhunuchi dancer, what do you yearn for? 

Holding smoldering pots of clay,

Dhunuchi dancer, who do you burn for? 

Dhunuchi dancer, with what gentle nuance,

Dhunuchi dancer what do you whisper 

In your throbbing trance? 

Dhunuchi dancer, with blissful surrender 

You occilate, you sway,

Dhunuchi dancer, not a step goes astray

Dhunuchi dancer, you dance away..

Dhunuchi dancer, what clarity do you seek? 

In the fog of the smoke,

Dhunuchi dancer, your secrets you keep

The Mother Godess knows all, yet

On bended knee you ask,

Dhunuchi dancer, off comes your brave mask.

Dhunuchi dancer, seeking anonymity 

In clouds of swirling smoke

Dhunuchi dancer, what emotions your tears awoke? 

Dhunuchi dancer, I too had once been lost, 

Forlorn, I had tiptoed..away,

Away from The Mother Goddess, I lost my way.

Now Dhunuchi dancer I see you and rejoice,

Dhunuchi dancer 

I applaud your grace and poise.

Dhunuchi dancer, my soul joins you in play,

Dhunuchi dancer, 

At the feet of The Mother Goddess, I return to stay.

Veenu Banga


12:34 am

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