Saturday, July 20, 2024

Guru Poornima

 For seven decades of my life, Guru Poornima day has come and gone. Every year, ever since I became aware of Guru Poornima, a new perspective and a different lesson was learned. However, this year I learned that, 1) we are our own gurus, and 2) our mistakes are our gurus also. 

Who is a guru, other than our mistakes and ourselves? There are always external forces that have the effect of containing us, when we are falling apart. I think that’s my definition of a guru. At different times in our lives, there are different people, with different levels of wisdom and knowledge. At times, I think there are also guru angels, for lack of a better word to describe those people, who casually cross our path and briefly influence our thought perspective, and we may or may not continue to have them in our lives. 

Then there are some people, who when we meet them, do not come into our lives as a guru, but have a profound influence on our thinking. Sometimes, they go beyond that, and just by being in our lives, they ‘contain’ us, as we are adrift on doubts and distrust, due to past circumstances. 

One of these persons was a woman who I met late in life, but at a very crucial juncture. She was ardently devoted to her guru and her cause, and instilled that love in all who crossed her path. Every July, the month of her special day, her memory seems more than that- it brings her closer. Her religion and mine, did not see eye to eye, because those who practiced the temple going, had rejected me and disavowed me from what they felt was their exclusive domain. I was in and out of religions, practicing in the privacy from my home and sometimes my heart, when she became a very powerful influence. 

“She brought me home to Hinduism” reads one entry about her in my journal. I think a return to religion was her greatest gift to me. Later, because of that, I was able to embrace what the Samanijis had to offer. Without them, I would still be adrift and lost. The Samanijis incorporated my broken trust turning it into faith. 

 “Hame kisse ko judge nahin karma chahiye,” I hear her her voice telling this to a group of the mission ladies. What a waste of her time and talents, addressing the pettiness and politics of oversize egos. 

We were supposed to go and meet her Gurudev’s guru bhai together. While that did not happen, I honored her memory by honoring her Gurudev’s guru bhai. In the process I was ‘brought home’ to Hinduism once again. It was not something that I expected or came looking for. I feel such an affinity with his teachings. More so because his own guru is who my dear beloved grandfather followed. It’s like coming full circle. 

Tomorrow I will think of my Samanijis and celebrate their teachings. For today, I will honor myself, because my soul is divine, and my guru lives within me. The challenge is to learn this lesson, and be drenched in that feeling that I do not forget it. It was so lovingly and beautifully brought home to me today. 

Every person on this planet experiences the world differently, or words to that effect. Everyone is special. I know for a fact that this universe is special. The birds, the animals, the trees, the flowers, the bees, the butterflies, the clouds, the stars, the sun and the moon, and the wind and the fire, all of which I come from and to which we will all return. If that is do, and that is where we come from, we really and truly, must all be special. Including me.

Happy Guru Poornima day to all the gurus in the world. Thank you for shining the light. 

Veenu Banga

07/ 20-21/2024

1:27 am

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