The stars were pretty dim tonight
And muted behind clouds, the moon.
Jupiter was supposed to nudge close
Shining bright, and the shine gone
All too soon.
It’s the clouds you see, they’re the cause
Of the change of plans in the sky,
Just as our clouded judgements
Destroy us, when our true Nature
We defy.
The clouds will lift, and time it’s toll
Does take, the moon’s fullness then reduced
Teaches us, it’s the law of Nature, and
A price is paid, and that time cannot be abused.
It’s best wisely used.
So to pick oneself up, is all you can do.
However hard, the first steps one must take
All journeys being with the lifting of one’s foot,
And then another, and another in pursuit
Of our dreams.
Take not the high road, that much at least
to one’s self is owed. So strap on those boots
And rising tall, on the horizon keep your eye
For time is a ticking a ticking away, nothing faster
Than time can fly.
The moon and the stars, if they can be
over come by clouds, don’t you see?
What chance does stand a mortal mere
For doubts to turn them in? It’s time,
Time always wins.
Veenu Banga
Copyright 08/22//2021
11:25 pm
Backstory: I went to see the full moon 🌝 last night and it had a thin opaque film of cloud. Could Barely see the stars. And yesterday Jupiter was supposed to be closer to the moon and would have been shining bright, but clouds ☁️ came in the way of that celestial plan, at least over my part of the world. So this is what I perceived.