Friday, December 20, 2024

Apologies Blog

 Have no energy to chat. I am very, very, very unwell. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe not. Probably will have to miss Susan’s 85th birthday party. 

Can barely sit up, been asleep, and just knock off even when I’m sitting on a chair. Terrible cough and phlegm. Succumbed and took an aspirin. Did not help. Now a half Tylenol. Heater running, hot water bottle, and hopefully a comforting warm bed, and sweet slumber.

See, despite the discomfort (putting it mildly) I still showed up to write. 

Veenu Banga


10:27 pm. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Keeping it going.

 Proud of myself for keeping the writing everyday in December streak going. However, it only 8:43 and I'm ready for bed. Had errands and also still not fully with it.

Saw Dr. Lisa, stopped by Chamberlains to stock up on supplies, and had a good chat with the lovely Karen and Elizabeth. Missed seeing Morgan and the others. Will do so eventually. Ordered the Brown Cow yogurt. Had picked up one from Sprouts and than goodness some good things do not change.

Feeling cold, have heating on. It's different here. Have gotten accustomed to the cold there, it's the dreary grey skies that are disappointing. Thank God for a warm bed, roof over our heads and food on the table. 

Traffic is crazy, with Christmas approaching, and add two that the school hours and Wekiva Springs road was a crawling parade of cars. 

Came home to my sycamore tree bare, with its crisp brown leaves hugging the front of the house. At the side, a freak gift from Nature- 5 mulberries on a low branch going off on a tangent. Very sweet ones too. 

That's it, Mr. Blog. As we've discussed, no names. Don't want even the hint of attachment, and a name would do that. So it's O&O for now. 

Tomorrow is a new day. Weekend supposed to be colder, so no beach. Maybe Temple for dosa? Maybe not. Possibly not tomorrow, or who knows? Miss the ready made dosa batter from Arihant. Oh well! 

Pesarattu at Woodlands calls, or maybe I'll make UPMA at home. Have coconut shavings in the freezer. On that delicious note, really a final O&O! Goodnight Blog! 

Veenu Banga


8:56 pm

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The days are becoming shorter

 But not for long. 

Despite the days being shorter, I’ve been having really long days. Surprisingly, but also not. There’s always so much to do. Yet, what one really wants to do never gets done. 

I suppose one says, some day I will get the time to get it done, except that tomorrow is elusive. Might as well call it an early night and help to tomorrow be even more productive that today. 

Hope eternal!

Veenu Banga


9:23 pm.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

A good day!


Susan came in the mid afternoon, and she is such a joy. 

Then went to Trader Joe's and did groceries. Fruits and veggies. Got two bags of salad, finished a third of the Arugula bag. Such a relief to be able to eat salad- hard to enjoy in the cold. 

Had fabulous Italian dinner at home. As always, K cooks Italian to perfection. Had got artichokes, kalamata olives and capers, besides other things. Added capers to the pasta, olives on loaded with veges and artichokes pizza. Finished almost a whole avocado.

Morning was a bit off and on, was thinking about Alan Turing and the hostility, hatred and discrimination he faced. it was very disturbing. it seems there's a movie based on his life, and want to see that. very curious about who the people were who persecuted him- did they see themselves in him? 

Often that is the case, that is people think of others as they themselves are. but this was different, and it was unjust, morally corrupt, self entitled folks who thought they were the law, keepers of the Faith and of morality, with castrated minds- castrated by dogma and disgusting in their attitudes towards a fellow human. Not an ordinary person, mind, but someone of a far greater caliber. Maybe that was the problem. What better way to elevate their own stature, than to destroy the comparison they couldn't shine a light to. 

Such is the way of life. If only before casting stones, they had looked at his accomplishments, and considered recognizing him for that body of work. 

As Indians, to us it should as no surprise. They ruled over the subcontinent for almost three years, leaving it as mess, with no remorse suffered. 

People are good or bad, period. Measured by their actions. If someone is good natured, that's their behavior with everyone, not selectively. That is what is mostly overlooked, and we judge others by they the way they treat us. Not by the way they treat another person- and that is to 'their' advantage. At the end of the day, most people are selfish, and that is the crux of the matter.

One should try to rise above that. That is the way to live a life of excellence.

Veenu Banga


10:34 pm.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Thank God for safe passage.

 Fortunately had written on the plane, in my notes folder on the phone, so as to have something to post tonight. Ended up going on a tangent(s) and became too long. But, least it’s spontaneous, and I’m not so secretly pleased that the spontaneity is coming back, along with the being true to myself. I think that’s how I write. Not when I’m cautious that some one will read it, and get to know how I feel about issues. Not that it matters to me, or that it should matter to anyone. 

Ganesh picked us up from the airport. Came home, shower and then off to Chipotle which is sorely missed there. Then to Sprouts, which is also nearby for milk, yogurt, verges, fruits, and onions and potatoes, till I can get to Trader Joe’s. 

Came back to find a Poinsettia plant in my porch. So Susan has fulfilled  the annual tradition of bringing me a poinsettia every holiday season. Called Susan and chatted a bit, so excited about her upcoming birthday party! She’s coming over tomorrow. 

Then pottered about a bit and now off to bed. Had stuff going on in my mind which I was going to include in my blog, but one thing is the sticker shock of groceries here, vs the UK! More on that later. 

Good thing did not catch a shuteye in flight, can now sleep and hopefully start the day. 

Veenu Banga

12/16/ 2024.

9:27 pm


Amazing Grace! 

By the Grace of God. Everything. It’s very hard to, but I’m trying to remind myself that there’s so much to be grateful for and that I have to remain happy, smile more. 

Master Lin says, the number one cause of disease is Emotions. This I know from him, since 2012. Yet, it’s only now that it’s sinking in. I feel it in my body now, loudly. Reversals are harder, than preventative measures. However, now I have the added responsibility of not allowing things to get worse.

We’re flying over Brunswick and 2:32 more hours to go. It’s always longer on the way back. Well, at an hour and a half to go, they’ll serve us scones. One of the things to look forward to on Virgin flights, besides the bestest customer service. It would be lovely to get scones on the way over too, but they wouldn’t be the same if they’re not made in the UK.

Stopped by this morning, to say a quick bye to Hiba downstairs. Andrea wasn’t there. We missed the best breakfast because of the traffic and maps said it would be almost an hour to the airport. So no lounge either as boarding was at 9:00 am though it started later. Left almost on time at 10:05. 

Funny thing how memories are stirred up. Looking at the Departures Flight information board I noticed a flight to Orlando and Status was Relax, aka, GATE yet to be decided, so thought we could take it easy. Then saw it was an Aer Lingus flight and pleased to know they’re flying MAN-MCO as well. 

I miss the Thomas Cook airlines, which also flew direct from Orlando and had the best seats upfront. Their planes were really spacious and the restrooms were downstairs, where there was a large seating/ hangout area as well so one could stretch one’s legs or relax in one of the sofas they had in that area. 

Aer Lingus always stirs up memories of my first flight with them. Christmas Eve 1978, we arrived in London on a very cold, snowy day. Ours was the last flight to land before all flights, both incoming and outgoing were cancelled. 

We had a connection to make and were quickly escorted by the stevedore to a small plane waiting on the tarmac for our destination Hull/ Humberside. If we missed that we would, weather permitting only, make the three hour car journey, as the Humber bridge which connects Hull quicker by road was still in the works.

Luggage was being handled for us, and we made a dash to board the 8 seater plane, which was so surreal. I had never imagined such an aircraft was actually transporting passengers as a regular service. There were no toilets on board. One air hostess, she sat in the back and we could see the pilot in the cockpit. The plane roared away and up in the clouds. There was discussion of blizzard like conditions expected in the afternoon. Everyone wanted to get where they were going before the weather got worse. It was the noisiest flight I’ve ever made. 

With that Aer Lingus thought, and me smiling internally, we proceeded to our gate. 

Since we did not bring the car, we took uber to and from the hotel, and met three of the chattiest drivers. One chap was from Pakistan Gujarat and I had a good time chatting with him in Panjabi, with smatterings of Urdu. That’s the Panjabi I grew up hearing though never spoke till I was a young adult. And my heart yearns for it now, the kind of Punjabi with a sweetness to it and a flow, which I find lacking in the way it’s spoken in much of the now East Panjab, India; especially in the rural green belts. Their’s has its own happiness and vibrancy to it, but lacks the propriety of grammar and punctuation. 

One of the words he used was AWAM (populaces) and I immediately understood its meaning. He talked about Imran Khan and how 90% of the populace is behind him. 
“Hun AWAM nu pata lag gaya hai, ke saadi military kharab hai.”

He said that the AWAM or ‘Janta’ has now understood that it’s their own military that’s the cause of the problems in Pakistan. He said, that Pakistanis were always told that it was India creating unrest in the country, but now they can’t be fooled any longer. They know the problem is their own military. We talked of regions and then about cultural shifts. He told us his favorite places to eat. We bookmarked them. He also said that there are more Muslims living in India than there are in Pakistan! 

One of the other two drivers was a lady from Ethiopia, and she was wearing a hijab, and her confidence was amazing. It was such a pleasure to ride with her. She seemed quite young. Maybe late 30’s or early 40’s? 

The third guy was a Somali who had been living in Manchester for 33 years. He knew five languages. I told him that we have a very prominent presence of Somalis in Minnesota, and MSP airport is teeming with them. He said that outside of Somalia Minnesota has the largest number of Somalis. He said his wife is from Minnesota. 

With the Monday morning traffic and our hotel being in the city centre, we chatted with him for a good half hour plus. Again, he spoke of the area as we drive through a supposedly rough neighborhood where he went to school,, and at the time when he came here as a child. A house cost £3000 back then. When later they purchased their house, his father paid £8,000. They now own three properties. The place has also become more gentrified.  

Talk inevitably veers to cultural and racial (dis)harmony. One of the saddest bits of our conversation was about Alan Turing. I had never heard about him, and was very sad to know the details. 

No country is without sin. There’s no heaven on earth and there is nowhere to go to escape injustice and persecution. His story made me want to cry. Still does. There was no grey areas- despite his massive contributions to computing technology. Just blind so called justice by men who probably had a thousand secrets in their closets. As if he was the only one, when this stuff has been going on for centuries. Kings were known to have harems of young male children. No grey areas to explore -they just castrated him. He killed himself soon afterwards. Very sad and early end to a promising life. 

People are judged for murder, but why is no one judged for misguided thinking, or even false defamation. 

In India, it’s the easiest thing to malign the woman for the weaknesses and cruelties of men. I think character assassination should be considered equal to murder. All the women whose spirits are broken, their souls desecrated, no one cries a tear for them. 

Some years ago I read a Washington Post story and an 11 or perhaps 13 year old girl who was raped by her father. She was taken to the Panchayat where it was decided she should be flogged. She was. She was pulled out of school and nobody spoke with her. She walked alone and I think about what happened to her. Why can I not save her? I know in India you cannot intervene in such matters, or they will fix your ambitions once and for all. Yet, there are brave people rescuing women and children from horrific situation. When this WP  reporter met her and they talked, she said they hit her, but “only lightly.” Really? What about the hit to her Spirit. Her smile must have forever died that day. Her joy castrated, her hope executed. How can that man who sired her, in all conscience walk free? 

1:40 to destination. It’s been a tiresome journey this time. Always longer coming west. No tailwind for support. Was supposed to be 9 hours and some, with 3:00 pm arrival and I think we’ll make it sooner. 

Excited to be back for Susan’s 85th Birthday on the 21st. My dear precious Susan. What a great time we had blackberry picking when she visited us last summer. Our black lips had a joy without the need to smile, just go chomp chomping. There were many blackberries this year, as wasn’t much of a summer. The flowers regaled though, and completely out of order and with a randomness that makes one realize the power of Nature- uncontrollable. 

So the year comes to a close, and perhaps not fast enough. So much turmoil the world over. If trees could talk and earth could cry, it would expunge in tears all the bliss that has been shed on her bosom. It must pain her heart, and yet she keeps giving. Unconditionally. 

There are also fewer birds, becoming less and less as years go by. They’ve taken out trees. Habitats are destroyed for all creatures, human and not, by humans. 

I think if we sit and think about it, we should be ashamed of ourselves and show remorse. We should rectify our transgressions. What is the point of technological advancement, fast cars, going to the moon and building a tunnel for a train from London to Nee York, deep in the ocean, if we can’t look after the earth which we walk upon? Which hosts us and houses us and provides for our nurturing and upbringing? 

Why aren’t we asking ourselves these questions? Why?

Distance to destination 953 miles. Somewhere over Virginia.

Was also reminded of my Australia days, when after doing the 14 odd hours from SYD-LAX/ SYD SFO, the four plus hours to Orlando truly tested my patience! 

This is much better!

Veenu Banga
5:57 pm in my phone! 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Such an interesting day!

 Started off with me very restless and just unhappy for no reason. Was that way till afternoon. Then picked up. Met an American man from NYC, lawyer living in London. His kids go to school here, maybe it’s just this one son. His child does theater, which is amazing, as we don’t have enough patrons for the performing arts. He and I agreed that a school uniform is very important. For reasons beyond the obvious. 

Across from us sat a lovely couple who had plans to watch  Sir Paul McCartney in a live concert. Yes, the one- of the Beatles fame. The husband was into theatre and it’s so interesting to find out about new ideas in theatre. They told us about an immersive experience that is put in at The Bridge theater, where the stage moves, and other interactions with the audience. Hard to imagine, but I do know K and A would love it. 

In the early days when I was living between Florida and Sydney, I remember missing the cultural vibrancy of Sydney in Orlando. K was a devout patron and bought seasons tickets to opera and ballet, for the love of the arts, but also because the value of Grants that are issued by the Australian government to the Arts societies is commensurate with the subscriptions they have. Opera in Sydney was truly spectacular and one dressed up for the shows. 

At that time, we saw an announcement for Figaro- to be performed at the Dr Phillips Center of the performing arts. What a shock when we went to the ‘Theatre!’ It was a small white building at the end of Magnolia Avenue, by the railway tracks. Today that’s right next to an exit for Interstate-4. That’s not the point. We actually sat in folding chairs! Seriously. The kind that are hired out for open air functions and move around freely, where your knees are way out of the seat, and your things don’t get full support. I couldn’t believe that was the ‘theater’ where Orlando hosts Opera. However, the performance was first rate. We fortunately sat in the first or second row, so had a clear view and enjoyed the Aria, with very expressive faces, the vocals conniving with the expressive faces to captivate all our senses. 

The other theater was the Mad Cow theater. We saw several plays there. It’s now moved to a better location and a nicer home. It’s a labor of love on the part of the owners - a woman at least back then. 

To get back to Dr Phillips, it’s now in a grand building and I’ve been only once, maybe twice, can’t recall. Andrea Bocelli maybe?  I’ve been wanting to see Shen Yum there but whenever they’re in town, I’m away. 

The one time I changed my travel plans to go and see a live performance in Tampa, of my very favorite sacred secret Great, the show on July 7th of that year was cancelled, as Panditji passed away of Covid in New Jersey. I had non idea he was in the USA! 

Similarly, Perry Como “For the good times,” passed away in a Florida facility and I had no idea he was living in Florida. 

I did see a Kenny Rogers show in some arena in Kissimmee. Of course he’s awesome- I love so many of his songs. Especially the duets. I think he had had knee surgery, or maybe he just was bow legged? Had a young wife and son with him, small child. He’s much much older than me. Hope he’s found happiness with this wife. This was a long time ago, maybe 10-12 years. 

Had the best dinner at The Laureate, at the Hyatt Regency in Manchester. They had a Manchester United game, besides Sir Paul McCartney in concert so traffic was crazy. Despite limited vegetarian options, I did well with the salad and grilled vegetables. Hiba from downstairs remembered me from last time. It’s such a lovely feeling- sometimes I feel I’m getting my spark back. We had a great conversation. This is one of the nicer hotels-  over Hyatt’s too. I think I’m starting to like them much more that the Hilton properties. Except the Conrad where we stayed in Singapore twice. That’s the most awesome hotel. They have fresh juices at breakfast and the lovely staff remembered my preferences. 

This Hyatt has a fabulous breakfast too. Unbelievable. Truly. Spectacular choices. Coukd elaborate, but want to call it a night. 

That’s it!! 

Veenu Banga

9:49 pm 

December 15, 2024. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Out and About and Roundabouts

 What a day! In how I felt, from morning to noon, to evening and night. 

Started off well enough, Being a Saturday we went to the Markets. Picked up extra bread from the bakery, as always our first stop, since they run out of Granary and the Sourdough. Since we were pretty early, the line out the door was also shorter and they were well stocked. Asked the lady if I could bring back our sourdough for her, if she would like to try it. She was pleased and smiled, "If you like," "Sure'" I replied. 

Then around the corner to the markets, and I went to the card shop, while A went to the super large (for the size of our town) Produce stall. And yes, upon being asked, they were told I had gone to the card shop. It's nice that I'm missed and the green grocers ask for me if they don't see me. I miss them too. They have the freshest produce- fruits and veggies and frequently herbs. That is my favorite part of our Saturday mornings. 

There were trucks- setting up shops for the Christmas markets. It seems they had a lantern parade and other activities planned mostly between 9:00 to 4:30 pm? However, our day was cut out with last minute to do    items we were committed to, and couldn't go. 

On the way to the Town Center, at one of the roundabouts, the car next to ours was out of her lane, and precariously close to us. It brought to mind my own roundabout adventure about 12 years ago. 

But before that, how I ended up driving in Brussels and adjoining countries is a story of guile, and (annoyance on my part) that now makes me smile. I had flown in that morning and was told I had to keep awake, for my circadian rhythm to adjust to the local time. 

After lunch, the three of us headed down to the car, to go somewhere far away, as in a fair distance, perhaps a 30 minute drive away? Anyway, A thrust the keys in my hand, and got into the passenger seat. They drive on the right there too. "What is this?" I asked incredulously. "The keys, you're driving, hurry up, we're getting late." 

"I'm not driving," I was rightfully very upset. 

"Well, what do you want me to do?" was the reply. And two good excuses which I will not elaborate on and I was driving. My first BMW, which by the way is the nicest car I've driven. So that was that, straight into the deep end, and the first of my many car journeys. 

The roundabout story is also quite funny on hindsight, but was then quite infuriating. It happened when I was alone in the car, and had to navigate one of Brussels' most difficult roundabouts. It has 5 lanes. I kid you not. Being used to roundabouts in Sydney, (though not 5 lanes!!) I entered it with an easy confidence. However, the notorious Belgian drivers definitely have no patience, and an abundance of aggression. I missed my exit the first time, despite indicating, but No, no one wanted me to merge in the next lane, let alone exit. Second round, third round and my speed slowed and my exasperation increased. I have no idea how I finally made it out of the round, round, Round -a bout! But I eventually did. Possibly in the third attempt, but a little drama makes for good rumination and reading. 

By afternoon, we were busy, and I was also getting a little antsy, for no apparent reason. That turned to restlessness, which turned to sadness and I wanted to cry. Did not, maybe did, only a little, very little. Then off we we went for our errands. I slept in the car, all the way, and was surprised we arrived so quickly, after a 25-30 minute drive. I think to see the trees look so desolate makes me sad. If only I could even just see the budding at the tips, I could take comfort in knowing that the leaves will soon cover the branches. 

By the time we got home, I was fine. Then, after dinner, I listened to Master Lin, and that cheered me up. I remembered the first time I met him was on a retreat in Amsterdam, or Volendam to be precise, for a Soul Purpose workshop. On the third day we concluded that the purpose of our souls is to be happy. When I remember that, I feel comforted. I wish, I could never forget that, and always remember, that my life's purpose should be or IS, to BE Happy. The other thing to remember is that I keep good company if I want to live a life of excellence. Which I do, and which I keep reminding myself. I'm proud to now be discerning, and realize it's not unkind or ignoble to suffer the riff-raff, who have no interest in honest friendships/ relationships. Even on You Tube, especially on You Tube, I need to keep good company.

Wide open parking spaces in the US, large carparks, have caused me to forget parallel parking and I take my time to swing back into reverse parking. John, who taught me how to parallel park in Sydney (compulsory to pass the driving test otherwise no drivers license!) made it so easy. I could do it in the first shot. 

Now, I am not even willing to try. Haven't been driving here, easy to say I've done too much already, plus it's on the other side of the road, and three and four lanes of the roundabouts are most discouraging. 

As they say, never say never, so who knows, maybe I will get behind the wheel in the good old Country!

Veenu Banga


12:45 am.